Charlotte Ka
Charlotte Ka is a nationally recognized artist whose work has been on view in galleries and museums across the United States and abroad.
Artist statement
”A LOVE SUPREME" ,BY JOHN COLTRANE’ARTIST STATEMENTCHARLOTTE KAArt is freedom !Art is Spirit !Art is the future !Art allows mespaceto innovatespaceto playexpandand explore.Art is life,my spiritual practiceArt speaks to meAllowing the spiritand essenceto be manifestedand become!Jazz has been my passion since I was sixteen and heard ” A Love Supreme” by John Coltrane. His monument to spirituality, mysticism and ascension. A trip to jazz heaven. His vibrant , experimental , improvisations was a major reason for my love of jazz and allowed me to embrace in art abstractions and concepts of experimentation, innovation and exploration. I found through jazz freedom to explore, conjure and embrace form, color and materials while creating my artistic alchemy.Charlotte Ka